Six super easy utilities to implement NOW!

NFT enthusiasts rejoice! Tropee has launched and you can get started building utilities for any NFT collection today.

We know, we know, we’re eager that you get going. But we also know you might need a teeny bit of guidance and inspo to get you started. And we’re here for that. So - how should you do it? And what are the easiest utilities to get started with?

Let’s take a look.

Before we start

First thing’s first. Do you have any money to spend?

Some utilities like merch, real life events or parties require investment. Check out Vee Friends’ cuuute new plush toys for inspo. Although they’ll eventually be available to everyone, thanks to a landmark partnership with Macy’s and Toys R Us, NFT holders will get first dibs. Good stuff, right? And Rebel Rabbits is another great example - offering holders a hoodie with its logo and a wallet address on the back to encourage others to join the moment. Excellent advertising.

Not ready to invest? Some utilities are free to create and roll out - like access to a private Discord channel, a whitelist on future releases or virtual meet and greets with creators. 

Azuki should provide some inspiration here. Everyone who owns one of its NFTs gets access to an online forum called The Garden. They say: The Garden is a corner of the internet where art, community, and culture fuse to create magic.  We say: it’s a very cool place full of very clever people. And you’re gonna want to be involved.

Ok, now we’re ready to begin our rundown of the six easiest (and free) utilities to get started with.


1. Try an AMA - they’re free, engaging and easy to roll out

Back to Vee Friends for a sec. Gary Vee, the mastermind behind the Vee Friends brand, isn’t just famous for having a great collection and pushing a load of must-have merch. He’s also built a loyal following by letting Vee Friends’ fans into his behind the scenes secrets, through regular Ask Me Anything sessions (AMAs).

Starting life as a Reddit initiative, you can host an AMA on any social forum - even a closed Discord channel which is only available to your NFT holders. And when it comes to format, the world’s your Oyster. Consider video, live chat or even audio.

You can select a topic as guidance, or throw the floor over to your audience. Be prepared, open and have fun with it - you’ll show your holders the personality behind your brand and hopefully make your holders more engaged and loyal.

Once you’ve set up the utility (on Tropee, it takes just a few seconds), promote the heck out of it on social media, on your website and remember to update your Tropee page too. Don’t think you’re famous enough to get any attention just yet? Maybe you know someone who is. Guest speakers are often used in AMA sessions to build some hype.

2. Consider a newsletter utility

Another free utility you might want to get started with is a regular newsletter for your community. At Tropee, we love a good newsletter - in fact, we put together a run down of our favourites recently.

The good news - they’re free, easy to roll out and are likely to keep your holders engaged.

The less good news - you’ve got to have something to say, and you’ve got to stick with it. Great newsletters don’t just talk about the company or brand in question, but provide hot takes on the industry at large. They’re short (phew), full of personality (like us) and regular. Deliver your newsletters when you say you will, without fail, otherwise your holders will quickly lose interest.

And once you’ve built the utility (on Tropee it takes just seconds….have we said that yet?) don’t forget to promote it and remind holders that it’s an exclusive benefit - just for them.

3. What about a raffle to win something great?

What do we love? Free stuff. And we bet your community does too. You can run a raffle for your community pretty much anything - so it’s time to get creative. Merch? Tickets to a brilliant event? Maybe even voting rights on what you do next. You’ll keep your community engaged and make winning holders feel extra special. Chances are they won’t just buy more, but tell their friends too - widening your circle of influence and attracting new people into the fold.

Why not offer the chance to win some free tokens in an exclusive raffle for your communities? You can expect some pretty serious brand engagement as holders try to get their hands on more tokens. Do them regularly and you’ll benefit from engaged and loyal holders.

Feeling particularly generous? Why not up the rewards for holders who have owned NFTs from your collection for a particularly long time. Or offer prizes for people who have two or more tokens already. With Tropee, you can easily segment your audience to target them in this way. Clever huh?

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4. Try an exclusive video about the project

We LOVE behind the scenes videos about how projects were made and designed. Let your holders in on your brand secrets by producing an exclusive video telling your story.

You can showcase the talent behind the brand, show people where you work, give everyone a sneak peek into what’s coming….or create an amazing animation to get your holders excited.

We know you’re creative - it’s time to prove it!

5. Give access to a private Discord channel

Make like Azuki and give your holders a corner of the internet which is especially for them.

Private Discord channels give holders a place to hang out, discuss your collection (and much more besides) and feel part of an exclusive community. They boost loyalty and keep holders engaged. What’s not to love?

Need a bit of inspiration? Check out this brilliant rundown of the hottest Discord channels in the NFT space RN (no surprise, our friend Gary Vee features pretty heavily).

6. Promo codes FTW

Did we mention that giving holders free stuff works? Like, really really works. 

A super easy utility to do just that is to offer holders promo codes for free - or money-off - stuff coming down the line. Maybe they get your next drop at 20 per cent off. Or perhaps money off every third token they buy from you? Whatever you decide, it’s a great way to keep your holders engaged and coming back for more.

Easy, right?

Get creative and have fun

So, from AMAs to promo codes and videos, there are plenty of easy ways to dip a toe into the world of utilities. But be warned, once you’ve started, you won’t want to stop.

Delivering utilities turns NFTs from ‘just a jpeg’ into something useful, engaging and with long-term value. They’re good for the creator (who get loyal holders who spend more money), good for the collector (who get cool utilities to try out) and good for the industry too. 

In fact, we believe that utilities are the future of the NFT market - with the biggest brands like Vee Friends, BAYC and Deadfellaz all firmly on the bandwagon.

So, what are you waiting for? Check out Tropee today and get started.